Neurological Physiotherapy is an active and dynamic process which focuses on aiding a person’s recovery in acquiring knowledge and skills. This assists the individual to maximise their physical, psychological, and social functioning.
The quality of life of a person can be greatly affected by a brain or spinal cord injury. This also occurs with medical conditions which can affect an individual’s mobility, cognitive functions, or other physical and psychological processes. The goal of neurological rehabilitation is to assist in combating these changes and improving quality of life.
A particular focus is given to improving mobility and strength, this being key to a person’s independence. This can be achieved through teaching or re-training mobility skills, training balance, gait analysis and transfer training, neuromuscular retraining and hydrotherapy.
All individuals will be fully assessed and a management programme will be designed to assist the individual, this will be reviewed and adjusted as the situation alters overtime.
You will receive thorough assessment and treatment by a qualified physiotherapist following which a management plan will be agreed and explained to you thoroughly. An appropriate treatment will be given and we will advise you on how you can maximise this with home exercises. If we are unable to help, we will direct you towards other professionals who may be in a position to offer different advice/management.